Lost in thoughts, lost in life

-Suman Majumder

How often do you find yourself lost amongst chaos? It’s a weird feeling, isn’t it? The world around us continues in it’s own lullaby flow but we hit a brick wall all of a sudden. And we get lost in thoughts, we introspect ourselves and we get our minds busy in what is popularly known as ‘overthinking’. We scrutinise ourselves, we wonder how differently we could have lived a life ‘had we done this or that’. Mostly, overthinking leads to nothing. It’s like sitting in front of the brick wall we hit and then passing time baselessly. And somehow, there’s a heavy negative connotation with overthinking cause instances arise that make you feel miserable, instances arise that make you question yourselves and all sort of thoughts that can harm your mental health. Hitting this brick wall makes your mind isolate itself from your surroundings and unfortunately, it comes all of a sudden. Your mood drops low, your mind feels claustrophobic and just tries to free itself and you crave for freedom, one which you have but usually take for granted.

Overthinking has no end. It never comes across a brick wall, to stop its flow. You get lost in thoughts, lost in life. Every moment of your life becomes clear to you as you try to dig in to find answers as you feel every actions you took get questioned. You fail to justify your actions. But to whom? Yourself? Life? You don’t know. You get absorbed in your past. Your actions, irrespective of their nature, come to haunt you. Your future seems irrelevant to you.

Sit. Look at the life from a black and white perspective. Observe the motions around you. Slow them down. Look into the details. Abstractly put yourself amongst the motions. Get your mind involved, in a slow flow. It’s peaceful. Take control of the situation. Direct it in your own way. Our lives are indeed a living piece of art and we, the artist. Speed up the motions around you, fill it with life and direct your character in a way so that it reaches all your goals and aspirations. Try to take a peek into how beautiful the future might look like.

Stand up. Absorb in all the voices around you. Slip into the present. Fill the canvas with colours. Make it loud, unlike the black and white picture in your head. The serenity is gone, try to make peace with the reality. Strive to make the present beautiful, your future will follow the same path.

Try to get lost in actions, lost in the present. The brick wall will tumble down and you will continue with the flow of the world. You sneaked a peek into the future, embrace your present and direct the reality to reach all your goals and aspirations.

A minute inside your head. That’s all it took. :)

Suman Majumder

BA Economics.


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